

This is my first post, and I'll be fully honest, I don't know where I'm going with it. I just bought a small hybrid polaroid camera, so I guess we can start there!


Welcome the Figure Cube

I'm not a huge figure person, but I like what I like, and what I like is weird Y2K aesthetics and the character designs of Itaru Hinoue. I have a bunch of stuff from Kanon, Clannad, and so on. It has led to my apartment feeling like a bit of an odd hybrid of ancient tomes and kawaii vibes. I am a human mid-2010s Tumblr aesthetics blog, and I pray to God for retribution each and every day for that fact.


An Abundance of Little Guys

Quite frankly, I am a fan of little guys. Fishcat is a little guy, this is not shocking, but because I am known as being a fan of squish, people constantly pick me up things that remind me of them, and naturally, that comes in the form of more little guys. So, inevitably, I've developed a little guy shelf. You know, for the little guys.


Thick Bear Summer

My lovely and adoring partner decided that they would get me a candle, and that candle just happens to be the most intimidating creature of wax and twine to ever grace my presence. I love him, yet I fear him.


Just Some Nice Plants, Just Good Ol' Plants

I mainly bought this little camera as a reason to wander the streets taking photos of things, because I love doing that. I'm not necessarily "Good" at photography, but I also don't think that being good at something is a prerequisite for loving that thing. I've been making art for most of my life, and it hasn't gotten that much better but my enthusiasm for doing it has also never disappeared. It's a trade off I'm okay with.


Goodbye, Love You!

I don't know how regularly I'll be posting these, but I'll keep you updated when I get the chance. I actually don't know HTML coding particularly well (if you hadn't noticed) so it's amazing to me I've even gotten this far with the site. Nevertheless, I think that we put too much weight on the craft of things sometimes, especially when it comes to our own fulfilment. Do stuff, make weird things, and your life will be better for it even if the outcomes aren't always incredible. You've earned a day of doing things badly. I love you. Bye now!